WiFi Slower than Fixed Broadband

Recent research has suggested that many people using WiFi broadband in the home are getting significantly slower speeds than those with fixed broadband.

These days many people decide to get wireless routers so that they can get online wirelessly in their home. This enables them to move around the home with their computer rather than being tied to one particular location, and they can even go out in the garden and use their broadband service for work or pleasure. Another reason why people opt for wireless is because it means that more than one internet device or computer can get online at the same time and via the same connection.

However, whilst wireless does offer many benefits to those that have more than one user or device in the home and those that want more freedom and flexibility when going online, there is also a downside to consider as well. According to recent reports those that are using WiFi in their home to get online are actually getting significantly slower speeds than those that are using their fixed line connection.

A study was carried out where over fourteen thousand WiFi connections were tested in the United Kingdom as well as in Spain, Italy, and the United States. The results showed that there was an average thirty percent drop off in terms of speed. However, it is also thought that many people are prepared to lose some of their speed in exchange for the convenience and ease that WiFi offers.

The study was carried out by the network measurement firm Epitiro, and an official from the firm said: “People are voting with their feet and trading speed for the benefits of mobility. Most of us do e-mailing and web surfing and for these things there is precious little difference between the 50Mb/s services and an 8Mb/s service.”